Research evaluation reports NQA score very well according to CEKO


Quality Research evaluations NQA above average good

The Research Quality Evaluation Committee annually assesses all reports of research evaluations. In the most recent Industry Report on practice-oriented research, CEKO mentions three reports that are of above-average quality. All three reports are from NQA:


• Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences – Knowledge Center Creating 010;


• Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences – Food & Dairy research group;


• NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences – Maritime Research Group.


The CEKO also reports: 'Half of the 30 reports submitted to the CEKO received a positive result. The CEKO also noticed that all the reports that it considered to be above average were drawn up with the support of one and the same external party. "

A nice confirmation of the expertise of NQA and the good support that NQA offers during research evaluations. NQA stands for customization in which 'good support during the trajectory of the research unit', 'a dialogue between peers focused on content and development' and 'content-rich reporting' are core values. We are also proud that our customers recognize the support and quality delivered and rate it with an average of 8.5 over 2021.


Curios? Please contact Paul Thijssen, director of NQA: or 030-2303130.