Focus on quality assurance policy
To determine and realize your ambitions, a good quality assurance policy is indispensable. An institution needs a well-run quality assurance system to safeguard policy for maintaining high quality standards and accountability to external parties. NQA helps education institutes to establish and improve such systems. An institute’s working methods and organization culture form the basis of NQA’s practical approach for improvement.
What does NQA’s advisory process involve?
- NQA analyses your existing policy for quality assurance and makes it the central focus of the further advisory process.
- NQA’s improvement proposal is based on the PDCA cycle. This ensures that the policy cycle (from goals to results) is continually in sync with the quality assurance cycle (from results to goals). Goals at all organization levels remain manageable.
- A quality assurance system must be easy to operate. That’s why NQA helps you to direct your focus and make choices based on your priorities and NQA’s broad experience of what works and what doesn’t in higher education.
- This results in a ‘lean and mean’ system that strikes a balance between internal quality ambitions and external accountability.
Do you want to know more about quality assurance policy? Please contact Paul Thijssen.